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Writer's pictureJoshua Fitzpatrick

My Covid 19 experience.

First, I'd like to thank my clients for their immense patience during this trial that has been Covid 19 it is GREATLY appreciated.

Covid 19 is not a joke.

I'll start this with some basic background.

I'm a generally healthy 45 year old male.

I've been "the guy who doesn't get sick"

I've been "the guy who doesn't miss work days"

I pride myself on being available, being reliable.

I've missed less than a handful of work days in the last 7 years (a tooth ache here, an inner ear ache there)

I believe strongly in the axiom "you are what you eat".

I take nutrition seriously.

I cook, I don't eat processed foods, I don't eat fast food.

Eat well, eat healthy, take good absorbable supplements.

I don't smoke.

Covid 19 took me down hard.

And here's the thing about it, nothing that works on any other illness will work on this.

I have many reliable remedies for any crusty that comes my way.

None of them worked on Covid19 in the slightest.

There is no cure, won't be for a long time regardless of what a politician might tell you. Your only choice is to fight the individual symptoms and endure the rest.

My symptoms started with a tight cough.

This lasted several days, followed by cold chills, likely due to a fever (shivering on an 85 degree summer evening) followed the next day by sore muscles, aching joints, and allot of stiffness.

Other symptoms where feeling light headed, foggy, these where due to oxygen deprivation caused by bronchial tube inflammation.

Loss of smell definitely for me, taste was odd, don't think I lost it entirely but nothing tasted remotely right.

Antibiotics will not cure Covid 19.

However, they did help with some of the symptoms.

Specifically the sore muscles, aching joints and stiffness.

If you come down with it don't let them send you out the door without some sort of antibiotic.(amoxicillin or zpack)

Again, it won't cure it, but did help with a pretty big discomfort that comes with the illness.

Antibiotics did nothing and will do nothing for the respiratory issues that come with Covid 19, that part of the illness is just on another level.

It's was causing serious inflammation of my bronchial tubes.

My doctor put me on steroids and an inhaler.

They helped a great deal in clearing my head, getting me more oxigin and taming the inflammation.

As anyone who has been on either of them (Albuterol Sulfate and Prednisone in my case) the first few days on them are the best you will feel on them, and after that you start accumulation of the side affects, they get less pleasant by the dose.

I was on the roids for 5 days, they helped with the inflammation, and I was very happy when they ran out.

I decided to stop the inhaler on my own a few days after I finished the steroids, the benefits had become less noticeable while the side affects had become pretty awful to endure.

I've been ok without it, I keep it close just in case.

Get yourself some highly absorbable Zinc citrate.

Because my head was so cloudy for awhile I had forgotten to order some until pretty late in the game.

My most noticeable improvement happened after the evening they arrived and I took one with dinner, the next day really started my more drastic improvements.

Get some right away. Heck, get some now, don't need to be suffering from Covid 19 to get a benefit from that supplement.

If you get Covid 19, you have to stay on top of things even though you won't feel like it.

You have to eat.

You have to take your supplements and prescriptions.

You have to maintain your fluids.

You have to force yourself to get out of the bed for awhile every day.

The fatigue after you start improvement is for real.

I'm still having some issues with it, I'm about 19 days out from my first symptoms, and about 5 days out from my first good day as of this post.

Most of what I have read on the subject suggest I may not feel completely right for about a month after the illness( will I even remember normal at that point?) .

Bottom line, take this thing seriously, it's not a myth, it's not a conspiracy, it's not a joke.

Someone who takes health less seriously than I do, or someone predisposed to bad health would have a much harder time with it.

I absolutely struggled with it.

It is survivable for a healthy person, but you won't feel much like surviving it when you are suffering from it.

Take care of yourself and take care for those around you. You can be a carrier and not know it.

Someone obviously was and I picked it up from them, they are probably still oblivious today.

Could cost someone weeks of income at the least (my case), or their life at the worst.

Income can be regained, the other cannot.

Thanks for reading,

Joshua Fitzpatrick

Owner and technician

Micro Mage Repair LLC

196 views3 comments


Timothy Lough
Timothy Lough
Jan 20, 2022

Hey Josh, this is Tim (Optimize Logic Repair). I am actually going through it right now. I'm on day 13. I'm pretty sure I got Omicron. Started with mild headache and sore throat on the 8th of Jan. After about 4-5 days it started traveling south to my chest. Headache went away, SPo2 stayed at about 97-98%, though I had like a burning sensation on the sides of my throat and the center of my sternum, I likened it to heartburn. That would come and go. I never developed a fever, cough, difficulty breathing or anything. I get some muscle pains now and again but the burning is only slight and random now. Like you, I am in my mid…

Timothy Lough
Timothy Lough
Jan 21, 2022
Replying to

Oh wow, wishing for speedy recovery for your mom.

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